In ancient times, there were more than one image of Guan Yu. Today, we mainly talk about the sculpture of green robed Guan Gong and the sculpture of red robed Guan Gong. Green robed Guan Gong represents eight words, that is, to tie the knot and live and die together, while red robed Guan Gong can be described in ten words, that is, the Han thieves do not stand side by side and Wang Ye is not biased, so when choosing to worship these two Guan Gong, Be sure to distinguish which one you want to offer, and don't make a mistake.
No matter watching TV dramas or on-the-spot observation, we will find that sometimes the six doors worship the green robed Guan Gong, and the Jianghu guests worship the red robed Guan Gong. On the contrary, the Guan Gong of the merchant basically makes no mistake and is golden.
In fact, it can't be wrong that the six doors worship the green robed Guan Gong and Jianghu guests worship the red robed Guan Gong, because in all dynasties, the six doors and Jianghu guests sleep together. You have me and I have you. Sometimes the six doors are more lawless than Jianghu people; Sometimes Jianghu people are more disciplined than six doors.
Readers should have heard of this recently happened overseas: it is Jianghu people, not six doors, who take to the streets to maintain order and prevent everyone from running around, and even give protective equipment.
Think about it carefully. It doesn't matter whether Guan Gong wears red and green or gold. The important thing is to understand the deep connotation behind Guan Gong's image when worshiping Guan Gong. This connotation comes from everyone's heart and respects Guan Yu's loyalty and virtue, Although the real Guan Yu himself may not have this virtue... Descending Cao ", Guan Yu has always regarded himself as a" Han Shou Ting Hou "all his life.